Dem Strategist On CNN Says Trump Would Absolutely Try To Exterminate' People After Shocking Bad Genes' RantAisha Mills warns that Trump's rhetoric about migrants suggests a dangerous, extremist ideology that could lead to severe consequences.
CNN Guest Takes Sledgehammer to Segment on Trump's Ridiculous' Kamala Harris Attack: Can We Just Talk About How Ignorant This Whole Conversation Is?'Aisha Mills criticizes Trump's ignorant comments on Kamala Harris's race, emphasizing her identity as both Black and Indian.
Dem Strategist On CNN Says Trump Would Absolutely Try To Exterminate' People After Shocking Bad Genes' RantAisha Mills warns that Trump's rhetoric about migrants suggests a dangerous, extremist ideology that could lead to severe consequences.
CNN Guest Takes Sledgehammer to Segment on Trump's Ridiculous' Kamala Harris Attack: Can We Just Talk About How Ignorant This Whole Conversation Is?'Aisha Mills criticizes Trump's ignorant comments on Kamala Harris's race, emphasizing her identity as both Black and Indian.
CNN Guest Revels in Hilarious' Mark Robinson Scandal: I'm Not Surprised by the Hypocrisy Here'Mark Robinson's controversial online posts reflect a troubling hypocrisy among those who oppose LGBTQ rights.