Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants?The Universe's structure is shaped by physics, initial conditions, and fundamental constants, leaving questions about different possible realities.
Do We Really Live in the Darkest Timeline?The concept of alternate timelines in physics is taken seriously, reflecting both reality and sociopolitical discourse on divergent futures.
The Irresistible Pull of an Alternate UniverseThe concept of the multiverse allows exploration of alternate identities shaped by different choices in life.
Slip review this orgasm drama features a shot of pure pleasure to the soulThe main character goes on an orgasmic odyssey exploring various lifestyles and sexualities to find answers to her woes.
How Blake Crouch Turned His Best-Selling Sci-Fi Thriller into Apple TV+'s Dark MatterExploration of alternate realities and the concept of 'what ifs' in life.