Q4 in Ad Tech: M&A is So BackAd tech M&A activity surged in Q4 2024, marking significant growth and notable acquisitions.The landscape of data maturity was assessed for brands in key APAC markets.
Council Post: The Rise Of The Pragmatic Consumer: Reshaping Retail In 2025The rise of pragmatic consumers in APAC will significantly reshape retail dynamics in 2025.
Audacia Audio Produces Multilingual Ads Using AI - Podcaster NewsAudacia Audio partners with Wondercraft to revolutionize audio ad production in the APAC region using AI technology.
One of Prada's red-hot brands for Gen Z luxury shoppers just posted crazy growth numbersMiu Miu's revenue increased by 93% in the first half of 2024, a testament to its popularity with Gen Z and young celebrities.
So you want your brand to win over APAC? Step 1: Stop thinking of it as a monolithIdentify cultural nuances for success in APAC marketEmbrace hyperlocal identities and behaviors to connect with consumers