Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentThe court dismissed a medical malpractice suit, ruling that the defendants provided appropriate care and informed consent.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentCourt dismisses mold exposure and retaliation claims against NYCHA for failure to file timely notice of claim.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentThe Appellate Division overturned a summary judgment favoring Long Island University, allowing a personal injury negligence case to proceed.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentCourt dismisses mold exposure and retaliation claims against NYCHA for failure to file timely notice of claim.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentThe Appellate Division overturned a summary judgment favoring Long Island University, allowing a personal injury negligence case to proceed.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentThe appellate court denied a late notice of claim due to lack of timely knowledge and failure to provide reasonable justification for delay.
Latest Decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentThe Appellate Division ruled that venue challenges must be timely, leading to a reversal of a lower court's transfer decision.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentLack of prior notice leads to dismissal of injury claim.
Latest Decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentThe Appellate Division ruled that venue challenges must be timely, leading to a reversal of a lower court's transfer decision.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentLack of prior notice leads to dismissal of injury claim.
Opinion | I'm an Appellate Lawyer in Manhattan. If Trump Appeals His Conviction, He Faces Long Odds.The chances of Donald Trump's conviction being reversed on appeal are slim due to the low success rate of appeals at the Appellate Division, First Department.
Bouncing Trump Appeals So Nice NY Court Had To Do It TwiceDistrict Attorney Alvin Bragg is successfully handling Donald Trump's false business records case despite Trump's attempts to change the trial's location and invalidate pretrial rulings.
Opinion | I'm an Appellate Lawyer in Manhattan. If Trump Appeals His Conviction, He Faces Long Odds.The chances of Donald Trump's conviction being reversed on appeal are slim due to the low success rate of appeals at the Appellate Division, First Department.
Bouncing Trump Appeals So Nice NY Court Had To Do It TwiceDistrict Attorney Alvin Bragg is successfully handling Donald Trump's false business records case despite Trump's attempts to change the trial's location and invalidate pretrial rulings.
Hon. Hector LaSalle speaks at Brooklyn Women's Bar Association luncheonJustice LaSalle shared insights about his court, which deals with a significant workload of New York State's appeals.
Trump Has Reduced Bond, New Trial Date, Jesus ComplexTrump's bond reduced from $464 million to $175 million by judges in New York's Appellate Division.Manhattan District Attorney refutes Trump's claim of government misconduct in criminal cases.
March 14, 2024 Court DecisionsAppellate Division affirmed dismissal of fraud lawsuit in Brooklyn property sale.Court emphasized the importance of due diligence in real estate transactions to prevent fraud claims post-sale.
Latest decisions from the Appellate Division, Second DepartmentAppellate Division reversed Kings County Supreme Court decision in breach of contract case.