Self-Portrait in the Studio - The Paris ReviewHaving a studio is not about possessing it, but inhabiting it with a deep connection to one's potentiality.
An Artist Documenting the Beauty of Queer Black South AfricaZanele Muholi captures portraits of Black queer communities in various settings, blurring the line between photography and painting, using black and white to maintain timelessness.
Betye Saar Remains Guided by the SpiritBetye Saar's artistic practice is deeply influenced by her childhood experiences and her belief in the power of old objects with a sense of the previous owner.
'It is a conversation you're having with your loom': Melissa Cody on her lifelong relationship with weavingMelissa Cody's exhibition at MoMA PS1 is a bridge between ancestral tradition and a new generation of weavers and artists.
Juxtapoz Magazine - An "Interstitial Stint" by Phil FrostFrost's artistic practice is rooted in processing imprints and memories.He intricately incorporates collected memories, materials, and writings into his works.