aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDNThe aspect-ratio CSS property ensures consistent scaling of elements by maintaining the specified width-to-height ratio even when the viewport changes.
Things That Can Break aspect-ratio in CSSCSS aspect-ratio property is useful for flexible designs without fixed dimensions, but can be overridden if both height and width are set on an element.
aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDNThe aspect-ratio CSS property ensures consistent scaling of elements by maintaining the specified width-to-height ratio even when the viewport changes.
Things That Can Break aspect-ratio in CSSCSS aspect-ratio property is useful for flexible designs without fixed dimensions, but can be overridden if both height and width are set on an element.
Building the Perfect Logo Strip - 9elementsAdjusting logo heights based on aspect ratio creates a more visually appealing logo strip than simply setting them all to the same height.