Gone in 30 seconds: Marketing in an increasingly distracted world | MarTechIn the digital age, attention spans are shrinking, impacting how quickly audiences move through content.
How to use micro-moments to capture customer intent in real-time | MarTechMarketers need to capture micro-moments for effective engagement and conversion.Understanding and leveraging micro-moments is key to gaining a competitive edge in marketing.
Gone in 30 seconds: Marketing in an increasingly distracted world | MarTechIn the digital age, attention spans are shrinking, impacting how quickly audiences move through content.
How to use micro-moments to capture customer intent in real-time | MarTechMarketers need to capture micro-moments for effective engagement and conversion.Understanding and leveraging micro-moments is key to gaining a competitive edge in marketing.
Microlearning Vs. Nanolearning: The Solutions To Learners' Short Attention SpansMicrolearning and nanolearning are effective solutions for learners with short attention spans.
The Psychology of Short-Form Content: Why We Love Bite-Sized VideosShort-form videos are under 60 seconds, digestible for quick consumption.73% of consumers prefer short-form videos for learning about products; 56% of marketers plan to invest in them by 2024.
How to Teach the Thrill of ReadingAttention spans, attitudes, and education impact reading.The Atlantic highlighted significant American novels of the past century.