Unlock the Science and Art of Our EmotionsEmotions stem from physiological changes linked to the autonomic nervous system's responses to safety and danger.
Playing classical music to babies inside the womb can stimulate their development, study suggestsClassical music plays a significant role in stimulating fetal development and calming unborn babies' heart rates.
Playing classical music to babies in womb stimulates their developmentPlaying classical music to babies in the womb can calm their heart rate and may promote healthy development.
Playing classical music to babies inside the womb can stimulate their development, study suggestsClassical music plays a significant role in stimulating fetal development and calming unborn babies' heart rates.
Playing classical music to babies in womb stimulates their developmentPlaying classical music to babies in the womb can calm their heart rate and may promote healthy development.
When the Body Doesn't Heal After Childhood AbuseChildhood abuse can cause lasting effects on both emotional and physical health, impacting bodily systems like the autonomic nervous system.
What Is POTS, & How Common Is It In Young Adults? An Expert Offers InsightPOTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) causes abnormal heart rate increase when transitioning positions due to autonomic nervous system dysregulation.