Rogue landlords who refused to stop using east London property as HMO fined 18,000Landlords fined £18,000 for illegally renting out a Dagenham property as an HMO despite enforcement notices.
Man prosecuted for allowing dogs to be too noisyMan fined for allowing dogs to cause excessive noise despite warnings.Council takes action against noise nuisance complaints from local residents.
Rogue landlords who refused to stop using east London property as HMO fined 18,000Landlords fined £18,000 for illegally renting out a Dagenham property as an HMO despite enforcement notices.
Man prosecuted for allowing dogs to be too noisyMan fined for allowing dogs to cause excessive noise despite warnings.Council takes action against noise nuisance complaints from local residents.
Dagenham car park closed after being plagued by vandalismThe Wantz Road car park in Dagenham is closed for maintenance due to vandalism and fly-tipping issues.
Dagenham site 'still planned for regeneration' despite scrapped markets moveThe City of London Corporation is pausing its relocation plans for historic markets, maintaining collaboration with Barking and Dagenham Council for future development.
Council overspend balloons by 13mBarking and Dagenham Council faces a projected budget overspend of £17.2 million due to increased demand and inflation.
Is this east London area the messiest part of the capital?Residents express shame and frustration over deteriorating cleanliness in Becontree Heath due to inadequate council services.Local councils, like Barking and Dagenham, cite financial challenges in maintaining street cleanliness.
Man fined more than 2,000 for illegal parcel deliveriesTheodor Gutu was fined over 2,000 for illegally delivering parcels without a street trading licence in Barking.