WaPo Gives Bill Barr Platform to Attack Joe Biden without Mentioning Barr's Role in Framing Biden - emptywheel
Barr supports Trump over Biden, calling a Biden administration 'national suicide.'
David Weiss Is a Direct Witness to the Crimes on Which He Indicted Alexander Smirnov - emptywheel
David Weiss' office sent a final deal to resolve Hunter Biden's case, but reneged on it amid false claims.
Bill Barr denies ending the investigation into the allegations against Joe Biden and claims it was sent to Delaware for further investigation.
Leo Wise Buries Bill Barr with Six Year Sentencing Recommendation - emptywheel
Leo Wise seeks six years for Alexander Smirnov for tax evasion and false claims against Joe Biden, showcasing political manipulation around bribery allegations.
David Weiss Buries Bill Barr Right Alongside Tony Bobulinski - emptywheel
David Weiss' Special Counsel team has avoided dealing with inconvenient evidence in regards to the investigation into Bill Barr.
The discovery response by Derek Hines does not address a single piece of evidence that Hunter Biden showed to support his argument.
WaPo Gives Bill Barr Platform to Attack Joe Biden without Mentioning Barr's Role in Framing Biden - emptywheel
Barr supports Trump over Biden, calling a Biden administration 'national suicide.'
David Weiss Is a Direct Witness to the Crimes on Which He Indicted Alexander Smirnov - emptywheel
David Weiss' office sent a final deal to resolve Hunter Biden's case, but reneged on it amid false claims.
Bill Barr denies ending the investigation into the allegations against Joe Biden and claims it was sent to Delaware for further investigation.
Leo Wise Buries Bill Barr with Six Year Sentencing Recommendation - emptywheel
Leo Wise seeks six years for Alexander Smirnov for tax evasion and false claims against Joe Biden, showcasing political manipulation around bribery allegations.
David Weiss Buries Bill Barr Right Alongside Tony Bobulinski - emptywheel
David Weiss' Special Counsel team has avoided dealing with inconvenient evidence in regards to the investigation into Bill Barr.
The discovery response by Derek Hines does not address a single piece of evidence that Hunter Biden showed to support his argument.