Billy Gasparino Promoted To Dodgers Vice President Of Baseball OperationsBilly Gasparino promoted to VP of baseball operations at Dodgers after 10 years with organizationGasparino's impact on farm system evident through successful drafts and prospect rankings
Billy Gasparino Promoted To Dodgers Vice President Of Baseball OperationsBilly Gasparino promoted to vice president of baseball operationsGasparino's impact on Dodgers' farm system rankings and draft picks.
Billy Gasparino Promoted To Dodgers Vice President Of Baseball OperationsBilly Gasparino promoted to VP of baseball operations at Dodgers after 10 years with organizationGasparino's impact on farm system evident through successful drafts and prospect rankings
Billy Gasparino Promoted To Dodgers Vice President Of Baseball OperationsBilly Gasparino promoted to vice president of baseball operationsGasparino's impact on Dodgers' farm system rankings and draft picks.