Can you get a ticket for failing to signal a turn? Here's what California law saysCalifornia law requires drivers to use turn signals when turning or changing lanes, with penalties for non-compliance.
Do I have to stop behind a school bus? Can I get a ticket? Here's what California law saysDrivers must stop for school buses with red lights and stop signs in California to ensure child safety.
Can you get a ticket for failing to signal a turn? Here's what California law saysCalifornia law requires drivers to use turn signals when turning or changing lanes, with penalties for non-compliance.
Do I have to stop behind a school bus? Can I get a ticket? Here's what California law saysDrivers must stop for school buses with red lights and stop signs in California to ensure child safety.
Can I get a ticket for speeding in a school zone if kids aren't around? See California lawReview California's driving laws near schools for children's safety.
What happens if my car insurance lapses in California? You can face these penalties, DMV saysAll drivers in California must have car insurance; lapses are common, but policies aren't immediately canceled after a missed payment.