Parental Stress at an All-Time HighCaregivers are facing unprecedented stress levels that adversely affect both them and their young children.
Why is it so hard to take a break from work even if we want to?Overwork culture leads to emotional and physical strain, making it challenging for caregivers to prioritize self-care and take necessary breaks.
Parental Stress at an All-Time HighCaregivers are facing unprecedented stress levels that adversely affect both them and their young children.
Why is it so hard to take a break from work even if we want to?Overwork culture leads to emotional and physical strain, making it challenging for caregivers to prioritize self-care and take necessary breaks.
Carer who smothered mother with dementia spared jail over tragic mercy killing'Caregiver commits mercy killing on mother with dementia, receives suspended sentence.Judge recognizes defendant's good character and difficult circumstances in sentencing.