Mom Shares What Inspired Her To Take Spanking Off The TableRethinking the use of spanking as discipline can lead to healthier parenting practices.
My kids don't care about getting grounded or put in time-out. Docking their allowance got them to improve their behavior.Docking allowance effectively improves children's behavior, replacing traditional methods like time-outs and grounding.
One In 4 Parents Threaten To Take Away Their Kids' Christmas PresentsParents often struggle to discipline effectively due to fatigue and stress, leading to reliance on threats and punishments that may harm child-parent trust.
Mom Shares What Inspired Her To Take Spanking Off The TableRethinking the use of spanking as discipline can lead to healthier parenting practices.
My kids don't care about getting grounded or put in time-out. Docking their allowance got them to improve their behavior.Docking allowance effectively improves children's behavior, replacing traditional methods like time-outs and grounding.
One In 4 Parents Threaten To Take Away Their Kids' Christmas PresentsParents often struggle to discipline effectively due to fatigue and stress, leading to reliance on threats and punishments that may harm child-parent trust.
Education secretary 'open minded' on England smacking banUK education secretary considers ban on smacking children, but no immediate legislative changes are planned.
'I'm UK's strictest mum': Sweets are banned and toys thrown away if not tidied upStrict parenting, emphasizing healthy habits and chores from a young age, can prepare kids for life effectively.