Colum Eastwood steps down as SDLP leader and tips Claire Hanna as successorMr. Eastwood resigns as SDLP leader to pursue becoming a voice for change in creating a new Ireland post-Brexit.
Colum Eastwood to quit as leader of the SDLPMr Eastwood is likely to announce a decision regarding his leadership of the SDLP soon.
Claire Hanna only SDLP leader candidateClaire Hanna is the only candidate for the SDLP leadership and will be ratified on October 5.
Colum Eastwood steps down as SDLP leader and tips Claire Hanna as successorMr. Eastwood resigns as SDLP leader to pursue becoming a voice for change in creating a new Ireland post-Brexit.
Colum Eastwood to quit as leader of the SDLPMr Eastwood is likely to announce a decision regarding his leadership of the SDLP soon.
Claire Hanna only SDLP leader candidateClaire Hanna is the only candidate for the SDLP leadership and will be ratified on October 5.