Playing Video Games: Positive and Negative Mental Effects
Video gaming harbors both positive and negative psychological effects, enhancing cognitive skills while also presenting potential risks to mental health.
Are Octopuses Too Smart to Be Farmed?
Cuttlefish and cephalopods demonstrate advanced cognitive skills, prompting calls for improved treatment and regulation of their farming.
I competed at the World Memory Championships. My tip for remembering things better? Build yourself a mind palace
Ancient survival strategies influence modern memory techniques.
You Don't Need Limitless' NZT to Achieve Superhuman Mental Abilities | HackerNoon
Success is achievable through cognitive development and mindset transformation, akin to the fictional NZT-48 pill.
A structured approach to personal development can yield measurable and sustainable results.
The Marshmallow Test and other predictors of success have bias built in, researchers say
The assumptions around measuring executive function in children may overlook cultural influences on behavior and cognitive skills.
Low-Functioning Autism: Can Low-Functioning Autism Improve?
Low-functioning autism involves severe symptoms like delayed learning and lack of communication skills, leading to individuals being highly dependent on others for daily tasks.
Is AGI Getting Closer? Anthropic's Claude 3 Opus Model Shows Glimmers of Metacognitive Reasoning | HackerNoon
AI language model testing by Anthropic suggests significant potential
Evaluation technique 'Needle in a Haystack' aims for advanced cognitive skills
Being a 'night owl' might make your brain sharper DW 07/11/2024
Chronotype impacts cognitive skills. Night owls outperform morning larks. Adequate sleep boosts brain function. Chronotype can shift over lifetime.