Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2Utilize reverse search with Ctrl + R to find and reuse commands quickly.
Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2To reuse commands, utilize reverse search and history command. Display date/time in history for reference. Run multiple cmds concurrently with specific chaining options. View large file content easily with 'less' command.
Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2Use command history efficiently for reusing and running multiple commands.Customize command history display with date and time using HISTTIMEFORMAT in .bashrc.Enhance file viewing experience by using 'less' command and its navigation options.
Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2To reuse commands, utilize reverse search and history command. Display date/time in history for reference. Run multiple cmds concurrently with specific chaining options. View large file content easily with 'less' command.
Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2Use command history efficiently for reusing and running multiple commands.Customize command history display with date and time using HISTTIMEFORMAT in .bashrc.Enhance file viewing experience by using 'less' command and its navigation options.