Scientists Plan 'Doomsday' Vault on MoonClimate change threatens biodiversity, pushing for innovative solutions like a lunar vault to preserve life beyond Earth.
As record heat risks bleaching 73% of the world's coral reefs, scientists ask what do we do now?'Reefs are facing the most widespread heat-stress event on record, with 73% of corals bleaching.Coral conservation strategies need a major overhaul to address climate impact effectively.
Design Strategies for Increasing BiodiversityPreserving biodiversity is critical as ecosystems face unprecedented threats, with 60% animal population decline since 1970 and one million species at risk.
Scientists Plan 'Doomsday' Vault on MoonClimate change threatens biodiversity, pushing for innovative solutions like a lunar vault to preserve life beyond Earth.
As record heat risks bleaching 73% of the world's coral reefs, scientists ask what do we do now?'Reefs are facing the most widespread heat-stress event on record, with 73% of corals bleaching.Coral conservation strategies need a major overhaul to address climate impact effectively.
Design Strategies for Increasing BiodiversityPreserving biodiversity is critical as ecosystems face unprecedented threats, with 60% animal population decline since 1970 and one million species at risk.
You might beat back phragmites, the scourge of wetlands, but then what?Effective restoration of American wetlands requires competing against the invasive phragmites reed through careful planting of native species.
For future water conservation, reuse may be key - Austin MonitorAustin Water focuses on drought resilience with new indirect potable reuse project.
This Is What Happens When Tigers Try to Sneak Up on Small BearsSloth bears in India often face tigers as predators, leading to conflicts and the need for conservation strategies.
Opinion: Saving California's Delta fish demands bold new strategiesCalifornia's native freshwater species face decline and extinction due to climate change, demanding urgent conservation strategies.