To Miklagarr and back again: Varangians return from Constantinople, with Sverrir Jakobsson - Medievalists.netVarangians' travels to Constantinople shaped their culture, enriching them with stories, wealth, and prestige upon return.
New Medieval Books: The Church of St. Polyeuktos at Constantinople - Medievalists.netThe Church of St. Polyeuktos challenges expectations of clarity in early Byzantine architecture, illustrating its complexity and the ongoing search for knowledge in this field.
Constantinople as seen by its inhabitants, with Paul Magdalino - Medievalists.netConstantinople's literary traditions celebrate its origins, beauty, and historical significance, reflecting a deep connection to its Byzantine heritage.
The Travels of Manuel II Palaiologos, Emperor of the Romans - Medievalists.netEmperor Manuel II's travels across the remnants of the Roman Empire echo Hadrian's commitment to connecting with subjects and affirming imperial authority.