Call for 'health hazard' railway bridge clean upThe railway bridge underpass in North London poses a health hazard due to neglect and contamination, prompting urgent calls for cleanup.
Recycling services will continue in the city of Miami after threats of eliminationMiami halts plans to cut recycling services and bulky waste pickup for further review.
Signs of Life in Asteroid Sample Turn Out to Be Something EmbarrassingResearchers found Earth-origin microorganisms in Ryugu samples, questioning the evidence for extraterrestrial life and highlighting challenges in contamination management.
The FDA says it found bacteria and a 'mold-like' substance at a Tom's of Maine plantTom's of Maine is facing scrutiny from the FDA due to contamination with dangerous bacteria and mold in its products. They are working to resolve these issues.
Tory pair backed rushed and misjudged' asylum site purchase, watchdog saysThe rushed purchase of the Northeye site for asylum accommodation, led by Tories, has resulted in excessive costs and significant contamination issues.
Various breads and buns recalled due to pieces of metal: CFIA | CBC NewsThe CFIA has recalled several bread products due to contamination with metal pieces, affecting multiple well-known brands.