Yo-yo dieting accelerates cardiovascular disease by reprogramming the immune systemUnderstanding immune modulation can lead to novel therapies for chronic diseases.Advancing research in immunology is essential for improving disease management through targeted therapies.
CellCell Communication in Health and DiseaseEffective cell communication is vital for growth and survival; misunderstandings can lead to disease.
No Vaccines, Tests or Treatments: Congo Lacks Tools to Confront MpoxDR Congo struggles to manage an mpox outbreak due to inadequate diagnostic tools and treatment options.
Flu virus that killed millions of poultry found in dairy cows. Is it in California?A new strain of avian flu has spread from poultry to dairy cows, raising alarm among California dairy producers. The state is currently virus-free.
How data provided by fitness trackers and smartphones can help people with MSMS patients face challenges in accurately reporting symptoms for disease management.