Shinichi Atobe: Peace of Mind EPShinichi Atobe's music blends eerie dub techno with melodic elements, creating an unsettling atmosphere that retains listener interest through inventive soundscapes.
Shinichi Atobe: DisciplineDiscipline marks a departure for Atobe, focusing on a finite sequence of tracks with a structured sound.
Shinichi Atobe: Peace of Mind EPShinichi Atobe's music blends eerie dub techno with melodic elements, creating an unsettling atmosphere that retains listener interest through inventive soundscapes.
Shinichi Atobe: DisciplineDiscipline marks a departure for Atobe, focusing on a finite sequence of tracks with a structured sound.
Basic Channel: BCDBasic Channel reinvented dance music by merging dub and techno elements, creating a distinct sound that influenced future genres.