Artist offers bird's-eye view of Los Angeles wildfire devastationAerial perspectives of the Palisades fire reveal both vast destruction and intimate details of individual homes, prompting new reflections on landscapes.
Juxtapoz Magazine - A.K.A. PSYCHOPOMP: Bill Saylor @ cadet capela, ParisBill Saylor's exhibition explores contemporary themes through vibrant oil paintings and drawings, merging ancient mythology with ecological issues.
The 38th Panorama of Brazilian Art: "Mil Graus" Ignites Sao Paulo's Art Scene | stupidDOPEThe Mil Graus exhibition exemplifies the dynamic evolution of contemporary Brazilian art, showcasing creative responses to societal issues through various art forms.
Is a Writer a Kind of Spy?Rachel Kushner's farm experiences deeply influenced her writing, culminating in her novel "Creation Lake," which explores ecological and societal themes.