Letters: Immigrants share a vision of the American dreamThe American dream encompasses civil rights and equality for all, not just a materialistic lifestyle.The focus on superficial budget cuts ignores larger issues like corporate tax evasion.
Yeah I Did That!' Kamala Harris Draws Laugh with Nod to Much-Memed Viral Quote in Pep Talk to Young LeadersStay engaged and active in the fight for equality, as emphasized by Vice President Kamala Harris during her speech to students.
You Better Make More Than $100K If You Live in These StatesCoastal states are the most expensive to live in, driven by higher housing and living costs.
AOC's net worth revealedAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez's journey emphasizes grassroots advocacy and resilience in politics.Her educational background informs her commitment to social justice and economic equality.
Brooklyn Public Library Celebrates First Cohort of LevelUP GraduatesEmpowering Black women through the LevelUP program to build wealth and advance in underrepresented fields.
All 3 'City of Yes' segments approved by South Brooklyn's CB6Community Board 6 in South Brooklyn approved the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity zoning text amendment, emphasizing environmental sustainability, economic equality, and affordability.