GitHub - azat-io/eslint-plugin-de-morgan: ESLint plugin for transforming negated boolean expressions via De Morgan's lawsAn ESLint plugin improves code clarity by transforming negated boolean expressions using De Morgan's laws.
Publish project error messageUnused variables need to be addressedSpecify types instead of 'any' in TypeScriptEnsure React Hook dependencies are correctAvoid empty interfaces in TypeScript
@epic-web/configTime-saving ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript configs for efficient web development with minimalistic, problem-focused rules.
ESLint adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket BlogESLint remains the standard for linting JavaScript and TypeScript projects due to its configurability and extensibility in performing static code analysis.
Modular monolith with the eslint-boundriesUtilizing eslint-boundaries is crucial for enforcing module independence in a growing monolith application.
Publish project error messageUnused variables need to be addressedSpecify types instead of 'any' in TypeScriptEnsure React Hook dependencies are correctAvoid empty interfaces in TypeScript
@epic-web/configTime-saving ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript configs for efficient web development with minimalistic, problem-focused rules.
ESLint adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket BlogESLint remains the standard for linting JavaScript and TypeScript projects due to its configurability and extensibility in performing static code analysis.
Modular monolith with the eslint-boundriesUtilizing eslint-boundaries is crucial for enforcing module independence in a growing monolith application.