Some Tenants Could Get Only One Day's Eviction Notice, Under Federal BillFederal legislation could permit landlords to give just three days' notice to tenants before eviction, rolling back pandemic-era protections.
Labour calls for 'NCT-style' tests for rental property standards and end to no-fault evictionsUrgent need for enhanced rental rights legislation to protect tenants in Dublin amid rising rents.
L.A. moves to prohibit landlords from evicting tenants in order to remodel unitsLos Angeles City Council voted to eliminate a rule allowing landlords to evict renters for substantial property remodels, aiming to protect tenants.
Oakland's 20-year-old 'nuisance' eviction law repealedOakland repeals a 2004 law allowing forced evictions for criminal activity due to its ineffectiveness and compliance with state law.
Labour calls for 'NCT-style' tests for rental property standards and end to no-fault evictionsUrgent need for enhanced rental rights legislation to protect tenants in Dublin amid rising rents.
L.A. moves to prohibit landlords from evicting tenants in order to remodel unitsLos Angeles City Council voted to eliminate a rule allowing landlords to evict renters for substantial property remodels, aiming to protect tenants.
Oakland's 20-year-old 'nuisance' eviction law repealedOakland repeals a 2004 law allowing forced evictions for criminal activity due to its ineffectiveness and compliance with state law.