Layoffs, potential closures of key facilities raise worries about NOAA's futureThe Trump administration's proposed termination of NOAA leases may impair vital weather services and fisheries management.
Mobulas, a Wonder of the Gulf of California, Are DisappearingConservationists are employing diverse methods to protect endangered mobulas in the Pacific Ocean, focusing on science-driven actions and collaborations with fishermen.
Layoffs, potential closures of key facilities raise worries about NOAA's futureThe Trump administration's proposed termination of NOAA leases may impair vital weather services and fisheries management.
Mobulas, a Wonder of the Gulf of California, Are DisappearingConservationists are employing diverse methods to protect endangered mobulas in the Pacific Ocean, focusing on science-driven actions and collaborations with fishermen.
Commercial crabbing season takes sailCalifornia's Dungeness crab season opened after months of delays, balancing endangered species protection and fishermen's livelihoods.
Cambodia: Fishermen find six rare Mekong giant catfish DW 12/13/2024Discovery and release of six Mekong giant catfish offers hope for revival of critically endangered species.
Bumper haul raises hopes for rare Mekong giant catfish DW 12/13/2024The release of six Mekong giant catfish marks a significant step toward the revival of this critically endangered species.
Cambodia: Fishermen find six rare Mekong giant catfish DW 12/13/2024Discovery and release of six Mekong giant catfish offers hope for revival of critically endangered species.
Bumper haul raises hopes for rare Mekong giant catfish DW 12/13/2024The release of six Mekong giant catfish marks a significant step toward the revival of this critically endangered species.
This Ghost' Fish Seemed Extinct, Until It Turned Up in Unexpected PlacesThe Mekong giant salmon carp, once feared extinct, has been rediscovered, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts in Southeast Asia.
Montauk Fisherman Who Took Too Much Fluke Gets a 30-Month SentenceIllegal overfishing leads to prison sentence for New York fisherman.
This Ghost' Fish Seemed Extinct, Until It Turned Up in Unexpected PlacesThe Mekong giant salmon carp, once feared extinct, has been rediscovered, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts in Southeast Asia.
Montauk Fisherman Who Took Too Much Fluke Gets a 30-Month SentenceIllegal overfishing leads to prison sentence for New York fisherman.
Counting All the Fish in the Sea May Be Even Trickier Than Scientists ThoughtFish population assessments may be overestimating stocks, which raises concerns about effective marine protection measures.Accurate fish counting is essential for sustainable management and conservation of global fisheries.