Less than one in five of housing association's tenants are happy with complaintsOnly 17.6% of Peabody tenants are satisfied with complaint handling.Peabody has low tenant satisfaction compared to other housing associations in Haringey.Housing association representatives discussed poor satisfaction rates in Haringey.
Tenants say Brentwood 'is one of worst social landlords in Essex'Tenant satisfaction measures highlight low satisfaction levels with complaint handling in council housing, prompting focused improvement efforts.
Less than one in five of housing association's tenants are happy with complaintsOnly 17.6% of Peabody tenants are satisfied with complaint handling.Peabody has low tenant satisfaction compared to other housing associations in Haringey.Housing association representatives discussed poor satisfaction rates in Haringey.
Tenants say Brentwood 'is one of worst social landlords in Essex'Tenant satisfaction measures highlight low satisfaction levels with complaint handling in council housing, prompting focused improvement efforts.
Streets plagued by graffiti get mural makeoverMurals have replaced graffiti in East End, enhancing community pride and local identity.
London social housing crisis costing UK economy nearly 8 billion, new research says ahead of electionUnlocking 8 billion in UK economy by providing council homes in London.