Ministry to digitalise property data to speed up homebuying processThe UK government aims to digitize property transaction data to reduce delays.A 12-week project will design rules for data sharing in homebuying.Digitisation could significantly cut waiting times in the conveyancing process.
Law to make social landlords fix mould in force from OctoberLandlords in England must address damp and mould in social housing by October following the introduction of Awaab's law.
San Jose's 2025 PlanSan Jose's 2025 strategic plan focuses on innovative governance and tackling key urban challenges like housing and public safety.
Up to 4 million homes could be built on green belt under Rayner's planning overhaulLabour's proposed reforms could unlock up to 4 million homes on green belt land, fundamentally changing housing development regulations.
NYC schools: Mayoral control extension to be decided after state budget passes, Stewart-Cousins says | amNewYorkMayoral control over NYC public schools not included in state budget.State budget delayed due to disagreements on key issues like housing reforms and public school funding.
State budget: Housing, preschool and more on City Council's wishlist for funding from Albany as April 1 deadline looms | amNewYorkCity Council outlines wishlist for Fiscal Year 2025 state budget including housing reforms and education funding.Support for housing construction backed by Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul expressed by City Council.