The Best Albums of 20242024's best music reflects a hybridization of genres, with artists defying categories and embracing creative experimentation.
anastasia komar's hybrid artworks are interwoven with sinuous biological sculptureVisual art intersects with bioengineering through Anastasia Komar's hybridization of acrylic paintings and polymer sculptures.
Lizard that Hulks out shows off its superhero genesPodarcis muralis nigriventris exhibits Hulk-like traits due to introgression from different lineages, leading to unique physical features and aggressiveness.
Crying wolf in NYC! Central Park's 'giant' coyote is actually part wolf, experts sayIt was revealed that coyotes in the northeast have wolf ancestry due to cross-hybridization between species over decades.
Hybrid speciation driven by multilocus introgression of ecological traits - NatureBiodiversity is complex, with hybridization and introgression playing key roles in speciation, even in animals like Heliconius butterflies.
Grolar' hybrid of grizzlies and polar bears remains rare in wild, study findsThe only confirmed hybrid offspring between polar and grizzly bears are from a family of 'grolars' in Canada's Arctic.