That galaxy next door? It's home to a monster black holeA newly identified supermassive black hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud accelerates star movement, raising excitement among astronomers.
Something Unexpected Is Spewing Stars Into the Milky WayThe Large Magellanic Cloud may host a supermassive black hole, challenging previously held beliefs about black holes in dwarf galaxies.
Amateur Astronomers Spot an Object Hurtling by at 1 Million MPHA mysterious celestial object is reported to be a fast-moving brown dwarf or star leaving the Milky Way.Citizen scientists played a crucial role in the discovery of this hypervelocity object.
That galaxy next door? It's home to a monster black holeA newly identified supermassive black hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud accelerates star movement, raising excitement among astronomers.
Something Unexpected Is Spewing Stars Into the Milky WayThe Large Magellanic Cloud may host a supermassive black hole, challenging previously held beliefs about black holes in dwarf galaxies.
Amateur Astronomers Spot an Object Hurtling by at 1 Million MPHA mysterious celestial object is reported to be a fast-moving brown dwarf or star leaving the Milky Way.Citizen scientists played a crucial role in the discovery of this hypervelocity object.
Saturday Citations: Citizen scientists observe fast thing; controlling rat populations; clearing nanoplastic from waterDiscovery of CWISE J124909+362116.0, the first low-mass hypervelocity star, suggests a link to a white dwarf supernova event.