'Baby in a dumpster.' A spate of abandoned newborns unsettles Texas.Abandoned infants in Texas have prompted renewed concern despite the state's early adoption of safe haven laws.
Springfield police search for guardian of baby abandoned outside apartment buildingAbandonment of infants remains a serious issue; the Massachusetts Safe Haven law provides a legal option for parents.
A newborn was left at a Florida firehouse. Two decades later, she met the firefighters who took her inGloria Lewis reunited with the firefighters who took her in as a baby, expressing unexpected joy and emotional complexity during the encounter.
Springfield police search for guardian of baby abandoned outside apartment buildingAbandonment of infants remains a serious issue; the Massachusetts Safe Haven law provides a legal option for parents.
A newborn was left at a Florida firehouse. Two decades later, she met the firefighters who took her inGloria Lewis reunited with the firefighters who took her in as a baby, expressing unexpected joy and emotional complexity during the encounter.
An infant was abandoned at a Lomita store. Authorities are trying to ID the motherAuthorities seeking public help to identify infant abandoned by pregnant mother at a Lomita store.