Wisdom Field - A Theory of Everything | HackerNoonThe universe may be a self-knowing system emerging from a fundamental informational field rather than just matter and energy.
Understanding Knowledge Collapse and Its Relation to Historical and Current Knowledge | HackerNoonWider tails in data distribution exacerbate knowledge collapse, moving public knowledge further from true knowledge.
Arvind Krishna Celebrates the Work of a Pioneer at the TIME100 AI Impact AwardsArvind Krishna hailed Claude Shannon as a pivotal figure in the evolution of modern computing and AI development during his acceptance speech.
Do You Really Know What You Think You Know?We often draw conclusions without realizing what we don't know.Habitually question whether we truly have all the facts before making judgments.
Tracking link mathsEfficient encoding methods can reduce the length of tracking links for astronomical quantities, like 10^80, to a minimum of 54 characters.
The pre-life puzzle: Tracing the rise of complexity in a lifeless worldAssembly Theory presents a novel approach to understanding life by emphasizing the importance of information and complexity in living systems.
A bold challenge to the orthodox definition of lifeSara Imari Walker challenges the conventional view of life as an epiphenomenon, emphasizing that life fundamentally engages with information.
The pre-life puzzle: Tracing the rise of complexity in a lifeless worldAssembly Theory presents a novel approach to understanding life by emphasizing the importance of information and complexity in living systems.
A bold challenge to the orthodox definition of lifeSara Imari Walker challenges the conventional view of life as an epiphenomenon, emphasizing that life fundamentally engages with information.