Meet the branch manager of Berkeley's doggy stick-and-ball libraryPhilip Weiss demonstrated tremendous resilience and innovation despite living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.He co-founded a company aimed at enhancing life for individuals with disabilities.
Stage & Studio: The Mycelium Dreams threads of Linda K. Johnson * Oregon ArtsWatchLinda K. Johnson's Mycelium Dreams Project emphasizes documenting dance artists' histories and voices, fostering community through artistic collaboration.
UK Business Visa Types for Entrepreneurs: All that You Need to Know Before Relocating Your Business to the UKThe UK offers a variety of business visa options, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.
Eventnoire Hosts Inaugural Curator Summit to Champion Black Innovation in the Experience Economy | Chicago DefenderEventnoire Curator Summit aimed to uplift Black communities and revolutionize the experience economy through collaboration and innovation.
Patently Strategic Podcast: ITC Proofing PortfoliosThe ITC offers significant support to patent holders in stopping the importation of infringing products.
Pier 70 "Building 12" Preview Party (August 2-3)Pier 70 celebrates the public opening of historic Building 12 as a creative hub.
TikTok Announces Programming for AANHPI Heritage MonthTikTok to showcase AANHPI musicians for cultural exposure and diversity.