Why IQ is a poor test for AI | TechCrunchOpenAI CEO Sam Altman believes AI's intelligence is rapidly increasing, likening progress to an annual improvement in IQ.
Super-Expensive Startup "Screening" Parents' Embryos for IQHeliospect Genomics offers controversial embryo screening for enhanced IQs, raising significant ethical and scientific questions regarding genetic selection.
Brain teaser can only be solved by people with an IQ of 135 and overHigh IQ individuals can solve a new brainteaser featuring a pattern of numbers, ideally within nine seconds.
Only people with a high IQ can find the country name in 3 secondsBrain teasers can enhance logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and even IQ.
High stress during pregnancy linked to lower IQ in male childrenExcessive cortisol levels in the third trimester of pregnancy may lead to lower IQ in male children.