Implement Digital Signatures in Web Apps - jQuery SignPadSignPad allows direct electronic signing of documents, simplifying the process of handling contracts and agreements.
Responsive Gallery Lightbox with Zoom & Rotate - jQuery mboxmBox.js offers a lightweight solution for creating responsive fullscreen image galleries with numerous interactive features.
Reveal Hidden Password In Bootstrap Input - show-hide-password.jsA jQuery plugin that allows users to toggle password visibility in Bootstrap forms.Supports multiple Bootstrap frameworks and requires Font Awesome for iconography.
Easy URL Proxying With Proxy Prefix jQuery PluginProxy Prefix is a jQuery plugin for managing proxied URLs efficiently within web development projects.
Enhance Text with Custom Acronym Styling - jQuery AcronymJSAcronymJS jQuery plugin enhances text clarity by styling acronyms and abbreviations on web content.
HTML Image Maps Plugin With jQuery - ImageMapsterImageMapster is a jQuery plugin for HTML image maps without FlashIt offers features like highlighting areas, creating effects, tooltips, grouping, and auto-scaling
Implement Digital Signatures in Web Apps - jQuery SignPadSignPad allows direct electronic signing of documents, simplifying the process of handling contracts and agreements.
Responsive Gallery Lightbox with Zoom & Rotate - jQuery mboxmBox.js offers a lightweight solution for creating responsive fullscreen image galleries with numerous interactive features.
Reveal Hidden Password In Bootstrap Input - show-hide-password.jsA jQuery plugin that allows users to toggle password visibility in Bootstrap forms.Supports multiple Bootstrap frameworks and requires Font Awesome for iconography.
Easy URL Proxying With Proxy Prefix jQuery PluginProxy Prefix is a jQuery plugin for managing proxied URLs efficiently within web development projects.
Enhance Text with Custom Acronym Styling - jQuery AcronymJSAcronymJS jQuery plugin enhances text clarity by styling acronyms and abbreviations on web content.
HTML Image Maps Plugin With jQuery - ImageMapsterImageMapster is a jQuery plugin for HTML image maps without FlashIt offers features like highlighting areas, creating effects, tooltips, grouping, and auto-scaling
Protect Your Images with Watermarker.js jQuery Pluginwatermarkjs allows easy addition of watermarks to images uploaded through file input for brand promotion or image protection.
Clean Calendar Interface for Web - jQuery evk_calendarIntegrate a user-friendly calendar with evk_calendar jQuery pluginOptions for customizing and controlling the calendar UI and functionalities
Time Selection Made Esay - jQuery Time Slot PickerTime Slot Picker plugin simplifies choosing time slots at set intervals, supports min/max time selection, and offers easy setup with customizable options.
Customizable Line Numbers For Textareas - jQuery LinenumbersCustomizable line numbers for textareaHighlights current line number
Time Selection Made Esay - jQuery Time Slot PickerTime Slot Picker plugin simplifies choosing time slots at set intervals, supports min/max time selection, and offers easy setup with customizable options.
Customizable Line Numbers For Textareas - jQuery LinenumbersCustomizable line numbers for textareaHighlights current line number