Stream These 6 Movies and Shows Before They Leave Netflix in MarchThis month's Netflix departures feature a mix of thrillers and comedies, highlighting unique storytelling across genres.
Netflix Just Quietly Added The Best Crime Thriller Of The DecadeParasite's impact on cinema continues as Bong Joon-ho's upcoming film generates excitement, marking a significant moment for Korean cinema.
Korean cinema in precarious period' due to Netflix, says Jang Joon-hwanKorean cinema is facing challenges despite 'Parasite's' success, with increased preference for streaming and reduced investment in local films.
Netflix Just Quietly Added The Best Crime Thriller Of The DecadeParasite's impact on cinema continues as Bong Joon-ho's upcoming film generates excitement, marking a significant moment for Korean cinema.
Korean cinema in precarious period' due to Netflix, says Jang Joon-hwanKorean cinema is facing challenges despite 'Parasite's' success, with increased preference for streaming and reduced investment in local films.
A Guide to the Quiet, Low-Budget Cinema of Korea's Hong Sang-sooKorean filmmaker Hong Sang-soo uniquely explores everyday human relationships through low-budget, scriptless films, gaining international acclaim for his storytelling prowess.
By the Stream review Hong Sang-soon's likably restrained pastoral comedy of campus lifeHong Sang-soo continues to explore urban life through relatable narratives and real-time dialogues in his latest film.
A Guide to the Quiet, Low-Budget Cinema of Korea's Hong Sang-sooKorean filmmaker Hong Sang-soo uniquely explores everyday human relationships through low-budget, scriptless films, gaining international acclaim for his storytelling prowess.
By the Stream review Hong Sang-soon's likably restrained pastoral comedy of campus lifeHong Sang-soo continues to explore urban life through relatable narratives and real-time dialogues in his latest film.
Five Golden Age Films That Inspired Korean Cinema's New WaveThe Golden Age and New Wave are critical periods in Korean cinema, showcasing its evolution amid political and social changes.
Lee Minho Needs His Notes AppLee Minho found personal and professional fulfillment through his role in Pachinko, allowing him to explore themes of family and identity.
The Real History Behind Netflix's Korean War Epic UprisingThe film 'Uprising' examines friendship and class disparity against the backdrop of the Imjin War in late 16th century Korea.
The Last of the Sea Women review female Korean divers as picturesque eco-feminist traditionThe documentary highlights the struggles of South Korea's haenyeo divers but fails to address critical issues affecting their tradition and environment.
Sleep Is a Near-Perfect Horror Comedy"Sleep" explores the complexities of marriage through a horror-comedy lens, highlighting challenges that arise from trust and fear in relationships.