A malfunction at Longhorn Dam that caused Lady Bird Lake to lose water has been fixed - Austin MonitorLonghorn Dam experienced a malfunction causing Lady Bird Lake's water level to drop by 2 feet, but the issue has since been resolved.
Lady Bird Lake's water levels dropped (again), raising questions about dam's integrity - Austin MonitorLady Bird Lake's water level dropped due to a malfunction at Longhorn Dam's floodgates, highlighting ongoing infrastructure issues.
A malfunction at Longhorn Dam that caused Lady Bird Lake to lose water has been fixed - Austin MonitorLonghorn Dam experienced a malfunction causing Lady Bird Lake's water level to drop by 2 feet, but the issue has since been resolved.
Lady Bird Lake's water levels dropped (again), raising questions about dam's integrity - Austin MonitorLady Bird Lake's water level dropped due to a malfunction at Longhorn Dam's floodgates, highlighting ongoing infrastructure issues.
Council approves changes to environmental protections to upgrade Butler Trail - Austin MonitorCity Council approved amendments to environmental protections for Lady Bird Lake trail upgrades.Code changes allow for exemptions from water quality zone rules for trail enhancements.