What homeowners and landlords need to do to meet new EPC standards by 2030New regulations will require all rental properties in the UK to meet a minimum Energy Performance Certificate rating of C by 2030.
Emotional support and service pets: Fair and affordable for who?Landlords and housing authorities face significant fines for denying emotional support animals, emphasizing the need for better support systems for compliance.
What homeowners and landlords need to do to meet new EPC standards by 2030New regulations will require all rental properties in the UK to meet a minimum Energy Performance Certificate rating of C by 2030.
Emotional support and service pets: Fair and affordable for who?Landlords and housing authorities face significant fines for denying emotional support animals, emphasizing the need for better support systems for compliance.
My Nightmare Tenant Turned My Home Into a 'Megamansion Party House'-Don't Let It Happen to YouA California homeowner faced severe consequences after renting to a disruptive tenant, leading to extensive damages and a decision to never rent again.