New hefty fines push 200K more rent-regulated landlords to register with cityThe city has successfully increased registration of rent-regulated apartments by enforcing strict penalties for landlords who fail to comply.
U.S. Rep Velazquez introduces bill to penalize landlords for income discrimination and warehousing practices - Sunnyside PostThe Landlord Accountability Act aims to provide strong protections for tenants against discrimination based on their income sources.
L.A. City Council adopts stronger tenant harassment ordinanceLos Angeles strengthens tenant anti-harassment protections, allowing easier legal actions against landlords and higher penalties for violations.
Oregon lawmakers target high screening fees, deposits for rentersOregon lawmakers propose measures to reduce rental application fees and deposits for potential tenants.
Landlords face ban on renting energy-inefficient homes under labour's new policyLabour plans to ban landlords from renting non-compliant properties by 2030, mandating a minimum energy efficiency standard of grade C.
Tenant awarded more than 8,000 after landlord breached rent pressure zone rulesTenants can recover overpaid rent if landlords violate rent pressure zone regulations.
New hefty fines push 200K more rent-regulated landlords to register with cityThe city has successfully increased registration of rent-regulated apartments by enforcing strict penalties for landlords who fail to comply.
U.S. Rep Velazquez introduces bill to penalize landlords for income discrimination and warehousing practices - Sunnyside PostThe Landlord Accountability Act aims to provide strong protections for tenants against discrimination based on their income sources.
L.A. City Council adopts stronger tenant harassment ordinanceLos Angeles strengthens tenant anti-harassment protections, allowing easier legal actions against landlords and higher penalties for violations.
Oregon lawmakers target high screening fees, deposits for rentersOregon lawmakers propose measures to reduce rental application fees and deposits for potential tenants.
Landlords face ban on renting energy-inefficient homes under labour's new policyLabour plans to ban landlords from renting non-compliant properties by 2030, mandating a minimum energy efficiency standard of grade C.
Tenant awarded more than 8,000 after landlord breached rent pressure zone rulesTenants can recover overpaid rent if landlords violate rent pressure zone regulations.
Can a landlord legally lock up your thermostat and limit your hot water?Landlords cannot legally lock thermostats during winter, violating tenant's rights to essential services.
Government to propose ban on no-fault evictionsLabour's new Renters' Rights Bill will ban no-fault evictions, enhancing security for England's renters and addressing issues of housing quality and discrimination.
Landlords in England and Wales face ban on outrageous' upfront chargesLandlords will be limited to charging a maximum of one month's rent upfront under new proposed changes to renters' rights bill.
New Laws California Renters and Landlords Need to Know in 2025 | KQEDCalifornia has implemented new housing laws for renters and landlords, addressing evictions, transparency in fees, and anti-discrimination measures.
Can a landlord legally lock up your thermostat and limit your hot water?Landlords cannot legally lock thermostats during winter, violating tenant's rights to essential services.
Government to propose ban on no-fault evictionsLabour's new Renters' Rights Bill will ban no-fault evictions, enhancing security for England's renters and addressing issues of housing quality and discrimination.
Landlords in England and Wales face ban on outrageous' upfront chargesLandlords will be limited to charging a maximum of one month's rent upfront under new proposed changes to renters' rights bill.
New Laws California Renters and Landlords Need to Know in 2025 | KQEDCalifornia has implemented new housing laws for renters and landlords, addressing evictions, transparency in fees, and anti-discrimination measures.
Toronto passes new renovictions bylaw in effort to protect tenants | CBC NewsToronto implements a new bylaw to protect tenants from unjust evictions under the guise of renovation, effective July 31, 2025.
Santa Clara County officials want to toughen eviction protections - San Jose SpotlightSanta Clara County aims to strengthen tenant protections for evicted renters in unincorporated areas, surpassing state's current regulations.