San Jose Mayor Proposes Permanent Shift in Homeless Funding From Housing to Shelter | KQEDSan José Mayor Matt Mahan plans to prioritize funding for interim shelters over new affordable housing in his upcoming budget proposal.
Mayor Asks City Council to Replace Torres on All Committes, Boards and CommissionsCouncilmember Omar Torres's continued absence and alleged misconduct has prompted Mayor Matt Mahan to seek his replacement on city committees.
San Jose Mayor Proposes Permanent Shift in Homeless Funding From Housing to Shelter | KQEDSan José Mayor Matt Mahan plans to prioritize funding for interim shelters over new affordable housing in his upcoming budget proposal.
Mayor Asks City Council to Replace Torres on All Committes, Boards and CommissionsCouncilmember Omar Torres's continued absence and alleged misconduct has prompted Mayor Matt Mahan to seek his replacement on city committees.
Latest line: A good week for Matt Mahan, a bad week for Emily CutrerSan Jose mayor secures majority council vote with new appointment.Sonoma State University president's plan to cut programs causes unrest.Alameda County gains new district attorney amid crime challenges.