Scott Schools Got the [Trump Subpoena] Memo - Then Left DOJ - emptywheelThe book provides new insights into Mueller's team's discussions regarding subpoenas and Trump's legal strategy during the Russian investigation.
Bill Barr, "So Far as We Knew" - emptywheelThe book provides new details on the dynamics between Mueller's investigation team and Trump's legal representation, illuminating their strategies and concerns.
Scott Schools Got the [Trump Subpoena] Memo - Then Left DOJ - emptywheelThe book provides new insights into Mueller's team's discussions regarding subpoenas and Trump's legal strategy during the Russian investigation.
Bill Barr, "So Far as We Knew" - emptywheelThe book provides new details on the dynamics between Mueller's investigation team and Trump's legal representation, illuminating their strategies and concerns.
Don't Make the Same Mistake with Iran that Denialists Made with Russia - emptywheelBarr's management of the Mueller report obscured the truth about Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Alongside the Trump-Russia Inquiry, a Lesser-Known Look at Egyptian InfluenceThe Mueller investigation initially focused on potential foreign influence from Egypt on Trump's campaign, diverting attention from the Russia narrative.
Here are the lawyers arguing before the Supreme Court.The lawyers arguing before the Supreme Court have been involved in key legal battles of Trump's presidency.