Paris Texas Continues Their Sonic Evolution With 'They Left Me With A Gun' | stupidDOPEParis Texas thrives on unpredictability, continually surprising fans with innovative music projects.Their recent EPs are interconnected, showcasing an ongoing narrative and immersive storytelling in their work.
Rosetta - A narrative installationThe Rosetta multimedia installation explores storytelling through a probe's perspective using sound, visuals, and custom technology to create immersive experiences.
These solo tabletop RPGs will break your heart and put it back togetherSolo tabletop RPGs can evoke deep emotional experiences, paralleling video games.Modern TTRPGs focus on meditative gameplay and character-driven narratives.
Maxo Kream: PersonificationMaxo Kream's 'Personification' fails to show true growth, instead offering repetitive themes and a lack of fresh narrative depth.
Life is Strange: Double Exposure is more heart than whodunitMax Caulfield returns in 'Life is Strange: Double Exposure,' navigating trauma while still capturing the beauty of everyday moments.
Juxtapoz Magazine - A Doorway to Joe: The Art of Joe ColemanJoe Coleman revives America's dark narratives through art, similar to Faulkner's literary style.
Fallout: New Vegas endures because of big clunky story swingsFallout: New Vegas remains a beloved classic in the RPG genre within the Fallout fandom.Despite aging visuals and gameplay, the exceptional writing and multiple storyline paths continue to make New Vegas a standout title.
Open Roads: The Kotaku ReviewOpen Roads game evokes nostalgia and reminiscence through storytelling.The game portrays a disconnected narrative with emotional moments that lack a cohesive conclusion.
Sorn-Lai - Technosphere and post-singularitySorn-Lai is an interactive game experience exploring a futuristic world blending biology and technology through tabletop dioramas and NFC data tags.