Camden resident forced to live in 'wooden shack without heating or hot water' after broken lift made home inaccessibleCamden Council's neglect led to a resident with severe health issues living in a wooden shack without heating after a long-standing lift failure.
London council ordered to pay 10,000 to disabled tenant 'trapped in living room for eight years'Kingston Council failed to provide necessary adaptations for a disabled tenant, leading to an order for compensation.The Housing Ombudsman highlights systemic issues in landlord responses to tenants' accessibility needs.
Camden resident forced to live in 'wooden shack without heating or hot water' after broken lift made home inaccessibleCamden Council's neglect led to a resident with severe health issues living in a wooden shack without heating after a long-standing lift failure.
London council ordered to pay 10,000 to disabled tenant 'trapped in living room for eight years'Kingston Council failed to provide necessary adaptations for a disabled tenant, leading to an order for compensation.The Housing Ombudsman highlights systemic issues in landlord responses to tenants' accessibility needs.
Toronto city council forgos discussion on scathing ombudsman report on refugee claimants in shelters | CBC NewsToronto's city council received a report linking shelter policy changes to anti-Black racism, but failed to discuss or implement its recommendations.
Dad told to repay care costs after council delaysCouncil wrongly paid for carer, leaving father with £5,000 debt after assessment delays.
London council apologises for overcharging mother for care after family told of 7,000 debtKingston Council overcharged a family for care services due to communication failures, resulting in significant debt and an official apology.
Dad told to repay care costs after council delaysCouncil wrongly paid for carer, leaving father with £5,000 debt after assessment delays.
London council apologises for overcharging mother for care after family told of 7,000 debtKingston Council overcharged a family for care services due to communication failures, resulting in significant debt and an official apology.
Police believed Katie Simpson killer's alibi even after being told he kept her as a slaveCritical intelligence was received about Katie Simpson's domestic slavery within 24 hours of her murder, highlighting serious police investigation failures.
Katie Simpson's family failed by 'flawed' PSNI investigation, find Police OmbudsmanPolice failed to investigate suspicious circumstances in Katie Simpson's death, risking its misclassification as suicide without proper scrutiny.
Police believed Katie Simpson killer's alibi even after being told he kept her as a slaveCritical intelligence was received about Katie Simpson's domestic slavery within 24 hours of her murder, highlighting serious police investigation failures.
Katie Simpson's family failed by 'flawed' PSNI investigation, find Police OmbudsmanPolice failed to investigate suspicious circumstances in Katie Simpson's death, risking its misclassification as suicide without proper scrutiny.
Bexley care home resident 'abused by another resident for nine months'Bexley Council failed to act on multiple reports of resident abuse, putting vulnerable individuals at risk.
Toronto police's vulnerable persons registry has 'failed to do its job': city omdusman | CBC NewsToronto's police Vulnerable Persons Registry struggles due to poor promotion and management, resulting in low registration numbers.
HMP Thameside prisoner dies of alcohol poisoning under 7 hours after arrivingThe NHS trust at HMP Thameside must improve its healthcare assessment and monitoring processes to better manage prisoner health, especially regarding alcohol withdrawal.
Enfield Council pays family after housing 'failure'Enfield Council ordered to pay disabled mother and son over 2,300 for delayed temporary accommodation.