What does it mean to be a highly sensitive person? | Aeon EssaysHigh sensitivity involves deep thinking, increased empathy, and susceptibility to overstimulation.The trait is common, with about 30% of people exhibiting high sensitivity.
Do you feel overwhelmed? Here's why and how to fix itOverwhelm is a widespread emotional experience driven by modern life's demands, distractions, and often exacerbated by increased screen time.
I'm a therapist and a mom. Here are my 7 tips for when everything feels overwhelming.Focus on meeting basic human needs for better mental health.Choose deliberate actions to counteract negativity and overwhelm.
Do you feel overwhelmed? Here's why and how to fix itOverwhelm is a widespread emotional experience driven by modern life's demands, distractions, and often exacerbated by increased screen time.
I'm a therapist and a mom. Here are my 7 tips for when everything feels overwhelming.Focus on meeting basic human needs for better mental health.Choose deliberate actions to counteract negativity and overwhelm.
Riot reveals Mel's in-game League of Legends abilitiesMel's gameplay revolves around managing Overwhelm for powerful executions.Her abilities offer both crowd control and damage, enhancing team fight potential.Survivability through Rebuttal makes her resilient against burst damage.
New Back-To-School Study Shows Most Parents Miss Important School EmailsParents and caregivers are overwhelmed by school-related emails, leading to missed events and increased stress.
Work-From-Home Dad Snapped At His Pregnant Wife On Bedrest After She Disrupted His Work MeetingBalancing work and caring for a pregnant wife on bedrest can be overwhelming for husbands.Requests for help can become overwhelming when juggling multiple responsibilities during high-risk pregnancies.