China's supreme court calls for crack down on paper millsChina's supreme court is addressing fraudulent paper mills to combat research misconduct.
Wiley shuts 19 scholarly journals amid AI paper mill plaguePublishing house Wiley discontinued 19 journals due to a scandal involving paper mills and manipulation of the publishing process.
China's supreme court calls for crack down on paper millsChina's supreme court is addressing fraudulent paper mills to combat research misconduct.
Wiley shuts 19 scholarly journals amid AI paper mill plaguePublishing house Wiley discontinued 19 journals due to a scandal involving paper mills and manipulation of the publishing process.
'Stamp out paper mills' - science sleuths on how to fight fake researchPaper mills sell fake research and authorships, undermining scientific integrity.Integral sleuths are identifying fraudulent papers but lack sufficient power to address the issue.
Why Scientific Fraud Is Suddenly EverywhereJunk science leads to thousands of retracted papers, with a surge in fake research including papers from so-called 'paper mills'.