These Five New Games Are Coming To Netflix This MonthNetflix adds new games to its streaming service like Sonic Mania Plus and Braid, Anniversary Edition.
Origami-inspired adventure game Paper Trail finally launches on May 21Paper Trail game release date confirmed for May 21Unique folding mechanic allows players to manipulate the game world
Puzzle Adventure Game 'Paper Trail' From Newfangled Games Releases on May 21st for iOS and Android Through Netflix Alongside the PC and Console VersionsPaper Trail game coming to iOS and Android through Netflix Games alongside PC and console versionsPaper Trail release date set for May 21st on all platforms
Origami-inspired adventure game Paper Trail finally launches on May 21Paper Trail game release date confirmed for May 21Unique folding mechanic allows players to manipulate the game world
Puzzle Adventure Game 'Paper Trail' From Newfangled Games Releases on May 21st for iOS and Android Through Netflix Alongside the PC and Console VersionsPaper Trail game coming to iOS and Android through Netflix Games alongside PC and console versionsPaper Trail release date set for May 21st on all platforms