What Does Beauty Look Like in the Age of Trump?A modern representation of conservatism is epitomized by Anna Claire Howland, illustrating cultural shifts in the political landscape through personal imagery.
Trump's new presidential portrait signals a provocative branding U-turnTrump's new presidential portrait reflects a significant shift in his branding from a cheerful image to a more serious, defiant persona.
There are images no leader ever wants to be seen': 33 pivotal US presidential moments captured on cameraThe term 'photo op' highlights the significance of visual imagery in American political culture.
Trump Campaign Ad Claiming America Has Gone to Hell' Under Biden Features Images From Trump's TermTrump campaign's ad draws criticism for using footage from protests during his own presidency to criticize Biden's administration.
Jon Stewart Ridicules MSNBC for Refusing To Show Disturbing' Decal of Biden Hog-Tied in a TruckJon Stewart criticized MSNBC for not airing a decal showing Biden hog-tied, questioning the network's decision.Stewart highlighted the contrast between news channels showing graphic content from around the world and their reluctance to air a political decal.
Conservative CNN Contributor Warns That Trump's Love for January 6 Warriors' Will Hurt Him: People Don't Want to Be Reminded of Chaos!'Donald Trump's continued support for the January 6 Capitol riot may harm his general election prospects.