The Croydon primary schools that are most popular and in demandHigh demand for primary schools in Croydon leads to families unable to secure their preferred choices due to more applications than available places.
London primary school numbers to drop by 52,000Primary school numbers in London are projected to decrease significantly, impacting school budgets and resources by 2028.
Classroom sizes: Find out how your child's school fares as counties worst hit for overcrowding revealedDespite improving average class sizes, nearly 10% of primary pupils are still in overcrowded classrooms.
Tackling misogyny is vital, London mayor tells primary schoolsEducation against misogyny is essential in primary schools to promote equality and respect among children.
This London primary school is officially the best in England for 2025, according to the Sunday Times Parent Power GuideHampden Gurney Church of England Primary School is ranked as the top primary school in England for 2023 based on SATs performance.
Classroom sizes: Find out how your child's school fares as counties worst hit for overcrowding revealedDespite a decline in average class sizes, around 10% of students remain in overcrowded classrooms of 30 or more students.
Redbridge's best and worst performing primary schools revealedAl-Noor Voluntary Aided Muslim Primary School was ranked top in Redbridge primary school performance for 2024 with 88% pupils meeting expected standards.
London primary school numbers to drop by 52,000Primary school numbers in London are projected to decrease significantly, impacting school budgets and resources by 2028.
Classroom sizes: Find out how your child's school fares as counties worst hit for overcrowding revealedDespite improving average class sizes, nearly 10% of primary pupils are still in overcrowded classrooms.
Tackling misogyny is vital, London mayor tells primary schoolsEducation against misogyny is essential in primary schools to promote equality and respect among children.
This London primary school is officially the best in England for 2025, according to the Sunday Times Parent Power GuideHampden Gurney Church of England Primary School is ranked as the top primary school in England for 2023 based on SATs performance.
Classroom sizes: Find out how your child's school fares as counties worst hit for overcrowding revealedDespite a decline in average class sizes, around 10% of students remain in overcrowded classrooms of 30 or more students.
Redbridge's best and worst performing primary schools revealedAl-Noor Voluntary Aided Muslim Primary School was ranked top in Redbridge primary school performance for 2024 with 88% pupils meeting expected standards.
The top primary schools in Lewisham as deadline approachesLewisham's top primary schools show impressive performance, with a 63% benchmark achievement for Year 6 students.
The top 10 primary schools in Bexley where pupils consistently succeedBexley primary schools showed remarkable resilience and performance, with 67% of pupils achieving expected academic standards post-COVID.Top-ranked school, St Thomas More, had 95% of pupils meeting standards in core subjects.
Greenwich school earmarked for closure due to plummeting pupil numbers and 1.2m deficitGallions Mount Primary School in Greenwich is proposed for closure due to declining enrollment and funding deficits.Projected pupil enrollment has decreased dramatically, leading to significant financial challenges for the school.
Nine Croydon primary schools receive new ratings from OfstedSeveral primary schools in Croydon received positive ratings from Ofsted.Ofsted utilizes a four-point scale to evaluate schools, with outstanding and good being the highest ratings in the recent inspections.