Martina Devlin: We need to talk about rent controls - not deflect and bluster like the TaoiseachMicheál Martin's evasiveness reflects the Government's lack of confidence in delivering a coherent housing strategy.
Londoners back rent controls as city faces 'cost of rent crisis'Londoners support rent controls due to rising housing costs.Average renters in London pay over 40% of their wages in rent.
Bailiff evictions of renting households at six-year high, says MoJBailiffs are evicting more renting households, with protesters demanding rent controls outside Grainger's office, highlighting the ongoing issue of evictions in the UK.
Greens demand rent controls in London as mayoral race enters final daysThe Government and Labour leader oppose rent controls. The Greens propose freezing private rents for two years and involving landlords in the process to prevent the market from collapsing.
New York will receive the housing relief it needsRecent bipartisan housing reform legislation passed in Albany, aiming to address housing-supply crisis in New York.